Alternative Energy Presentation Rubric



Bibliography 5

Used 5 sources (1)

1 source was a book (1)

Cited sources used (3)

Content 25

1= Information did not answer the question.

2= Information did not fully relate to the question.

3= Information touched on the question.

4= Information answered the question.

5= Information was in-depth.

Why do we need to consider using different types of energy source? (5)

What is the history of your energy source? (5)

What are the pros of your energy source? (5)

What are the cons of your energy source? (5)

Explained why this was the best energy source? (5)

Format 15

1= Attempted, but did not meet the requirements.

2= Met 25% of the requirements.

3= Met 50% of the requirements.

4= Met 75% of the requirements.

5= Met 100% of the requirements.

Information was presented in an interesting manner. (5)

Images were used to support/enhance the information. (5)

Web 2.0 presentation is creative and neatly assembled. (5)

Forum 10

1= Information did not answer the question.

2= Information did not fully relate to the question.

3= Information touched on the question.

4= Information answered the question.

5= Information was in-depth.

Students posted/uploaded/linked their presentation. This must be done in order to earn any points in this category.

Gave a summary of their research (5)
  • What were the pros and cons of the energy source?
  • Why would this be the best energy source?

Viewed at least five others' presentation and evaluated their work (5)
  • Based on their presentation, what would convince you to use their energy source, what made you question if their energy source was the best and why?
  • What did they do well in terms of putting the presentation together and what could they have improved on?

Steps to Creating Your Alternative Energy Presentation Resource

Alternative Energy Presentation Requirements Resource

Alternative Energy Presentation Forum

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 August 2010, 2:20 PM