Topic outline

  • General

    EarthEnvironment UnitEarth

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  • Topic 1

    EarthCurrent Events

    Each week, you will be required to post one current events article that has to do with the human environment interaction. Below is a link to the class forum (
    Current Events). Click on it and follow the prompts.

  • Topic 2

    The Lorax

    Please view the video "The Lorax" and respond to the following prompts in the forum. Remember to also reply/comment on three other posts and respond to those who post to you.

    If the link no longer works, you will have to get a copy of "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss from the library or order it online. Click on the link provided if you would like to purchase the book.

    1. How do humans depend on the environment?
    2. How do humans change the environment?
    3. How do humans adapt to the environment?
    4. Who/what does the Onceler, Lorax, little boy, Truffula Trees and Thneeds represent?
    5. How could the Onceler have engaged in sustainable development with his business?
    6. What do you think is the message behind the word "unless"?
  • Topic 3

    Global Warming Debate

    Global Warming is a controversial topic today. Some believe that the earth is warming and it is our (humans) fault. Others believe that the earth is naturally going through its warm/cold cycles. What do you believe?

    In order to make an informed decision,
    please view the following articles and videos regarding global warming in the Global Warming Philosophical Chairs Resources . Once you have done so reply to the following prompt in the Global Warming Philosophical Chairs Discussion Forum. Also feel free to do your own research and use other resources.

    Do you support or doubt the global warming theory? Why? Be sure to use the sources to support your argument.

    You will also need to reply to three other posts. Remember to summarize what they have posted and explain why you agree or disagree with what they have said.

    Alternative: Schedule a chat time, and we will have a live discussion using the Global Warming Philosophical Chairs Chat.
  • Topic 4

    Alternative Energy Presentation

    One of the most destructive human-environment interaction occurs when we humans try to harness energy sources to meet our energy demands. Your task for this assignment is to research an energy source that you believe is the best available and create a presentation to persuade us why we should utilize that energy source. Don't forget the human-environment interaction that occurs from the use of your energy source. Explain to us why the pros outweigh the costs.

    Below you will find links to documents on how to complete your project and how you will be graded.
  • Topic 5

    Case Studies

    Please read the three case study below and respond to the prompts:

    1. Describe the human-environment interaction.
    2. What can be done about the situation?
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