Alternative Energy Presentation Requirements
Requirement 1:
Use a Web 2.0 medium to present your information. Below is a list of items you may use to create your presentation. Feel free to utilize another medium, just check in with me beforehand.
Requirement 2:
Presentation must answer the research question and done in a way to persuade the general public that your energy source is the best.
Requirement 3:
Images must be used to support your information and enhance your presentation.
Requirement 4:
Please be conscious of plagiarism and fair use. Give credit to images and files you have used. If you are not sure what plagiarism and fair use is, here are a couple of resources you can view to help clarify the issues.
Copyright Kids
Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright
Requirement 5:
1. Post/Upload/Link your presentation to the Alternative Energy Presentation Forum.
2. Give a summary of your research:
- What were the pros and cons of the energy source?
- Why would this be the best energy source?
3. View at least five others' presentation and evaluate their work:
- Based on their presentation, what would convince you to use their energy source, what made you question if their energy source was the best and why?
- What did they do well in terms of putting the presentation together and what could they have improved on?
Steps to Creating Your Alternative Energy Presentation Resource
Alternative Energy Presentation Rubric
Alternative Energy Presentation Forum
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 August 2010, 2:20 PM