READ: Modern Era Astronomers

Modern Era Astronomers
The National Academy of Sciences where George Hale worked. Photo
courtesy of cliff1066TM . Licensed CC BY.

Building on the discoveries of Renaissance astronomers, the Modern era astronomers have expanded our understanding of the universe. Not only have they helped us understand what the universe is like right now, but these discoveries help explain what happened in the past.

There are four Modern era astronomers to know.

Williamina Fleming

Williamina Fleming discovered that stars change their light intensity over time.

George Hale

George Hale invented the "spectrohelioscope," which is a tool that shows which gasses and elements that make up stars.
Picture of George Hale. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia. Picture is in
the public domain.

Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Henrietta Swan Leavitt found out a way to measure the distance of stars from Earth by using their brightness.

The fourth astronomer, Edwin Hubble, will be discussed on the next page. His contributions are some of the most important in the Modern era.

Sources (permits educational and research use)
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 August 2010, 1:22 PM