Food Ratios Using Ingredients
Ratios With Ingredients
Recall the recipe for a Chicago Hot Dog in symbol form:
Hd + R + M + P + Co + Ct + 2 Hp + Cs + B ==> HdRMPCoCtHp
Ratios can also be used between the ingredients for the Chicago Hot Dog.
•For every
1 pickle I use, I also need
2 hot peppers:
1 P : 2 Hp
conversion factor form:
But since we could also say, "I need 2 hot peppers for every 1 pickle," the conversion factor could also be written as:
Before clicking on "NEXT", write down the 2 conversion factors that can be written between the Celery Salt (Cs) and the Bun (B).
Last modified: Saturday, 14 August 2010, 8:08 PM