General Chemistry
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Topic 1 - Equations and ratios
Welcome to Stoichiometry!!!
It is time to apply what you learned with balancing equations and apply that mathematically.
First Topic ----> Getting ratios from equations! View the pages and the video below. Make sure that you completely understand them before moving to Topic 2.
Topic 5 - Other Stoichiometric Calculations
Problem - The previous road map was not 100 % complete. Unfortuantely, you are responsible for knowing how to use the "more complete" road map. It can be confusing, so these first few activities are designed around that "more complete" road map.
Read about how the new road map is used, watch a Prezi on calculations that use the new road map. Finally, take a Java self quiz on using the road map.
Once you are sure you know how to use the road map, try out the sample problems.
Online Stoichiometry Unit by Michael Simurdiak is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Click on this document to see where this online stoichiometry unit aligns to the MN state science standards as well as the NETS-S (ISTE) standards.