Notes to Teachers
This unit is designed to emphasize the writing aspect of science. The activities are specifically aligned to the science standards, but each includes a writing component, too. I usually award points based on writing criteria that I'm working on at that time ala the 7 points system (I actually a personally modified version.)
Note that the points are primarily for the analysis and reporting about the science activity. The activities need to be done before they can be reported. More emphasis could be put on the particular activity.
Also, this unit assumes a certain level of expertise with digital tools that is not specifically taught - taking photos and uploading to the document. This unit could easily be used in conjunction with a more detailed unit or course on the various Web 2.0 tools that are used.
This unit is also an example of an online activity that gets students outside observing their natural environment in detail.
Moodle is only effective if the teacher and students make it effective. A Moodle course is not pre-packaged; it must be created and then updated and continually modified by the teacher and students.
Most of my experience with Moodle as an instructional tool has been in a blended environment where I have the opportunity to see and talk to the students daily to check for understanding and clarify points in assignments and readings that might not be clear. Please keep this in mind and add explanations as necessary.
Also, please let me know of other questions or concerns that you may have. I always enjoy talking to other teachers about how we can use our tools more effectively. I'm at or for voice or text.
Last modified: Sunday, 26 June 2011, 9:50 AM