Wolf Research Project Requirements & Instructions
Although this project is only an assignment, it is expected that you use real world scenarios, methods and tools.
Requirement 1:
Your presentation must include the following:
1. The topic of study (choose one)
- Wolf Biology (Example: Do wolves sweat?)
- Wolf Behavior or Ethology (Example: How do pack structure and dynamics influence dispersal?)
- Wolf Ecology (Example: What is the relationship between the wolf and the caribou in Alberta?)
- Relationship with Humans (Example: Does non-lethal control prevent livestock loss?)
2. The scientific process you plan to use
- Establish the method of research you plan to utilize: investigational , hypothesis-testing or opportunistic.
3. The geographic region in which your study will occur
- Use maps to illustrate your study area
4. Your specific objective (question to answer or hypothesis to test)
5. Specific tools you will implement to facilitate the study
6. A timeline for your study
Requirement 2:
Use a Web 2.0 medium to present your proposed wolf research project. Below is a starter list of tools you may use to create your presentation. You may even combine one or more tools!
Hint: Incorporate into your presentation to highlight the geographic region of your study or locations of wolves you plan to track.
Requirement 3:
Images and video must be used to enhance your presentation.
Requirement 4:
Give credit to images and files you have used. Please be conscious of copyright infringement. If you are not sure what that means, here is a video tutorial to help you:
Requirement 5:
The bibliography must include at least five (5) sources with one source being a book. Make sure to cite your sources in APA format.
Requirement 6:
1. Post/Upload/Link your presentation to the Wolf Research Concepts Forum.
2. Give a summary of your project:
- What is your topic and main objective?
- How does it relate to wolves?
- Why is this issue important?
- Is your question/hypothesis easy or hard to address? Why?
- To meet your objective, where there other questions that had to be answered first? What were they?
- Bibliography
3. Review the projects of three other students and post thoughtful comments or questions to each student.