Topic outline

  • General


    Welcome to Wolf Research Concepts!

    This course was developed by the International Wolf Center to promote awareness about wolves and foster an interest in learning more about them. During this course, you will become familiar with a variety of tools that researchers use to study wolves. Wolf research enables humans to better understand wolf behavior, ecology and conservation.

  • Topic 1

    Unit 1 - Do Your Values Determine How You Think?

    Value systems are at the root of beliefs, attitudes and, ultimately actions. Often the value systems of one person are influenced by parents, other family members or peers. You may not think much about your values or realize how deeply your values influence your everyday actions.

    Your assignment for this unit is to evaluate your own values towards wolves and determine how they may influence how you would approach learning more about them.
    Instructions to complete this assignment are in the "Unit 1 Assignment: My Pre-Course Values Journal" below.
    • Topic 2

      Unit 2 - Wolf 101

      In order to understand wolf research concepts, it is important to learn some basic information about wolves.

      Let's dig in! Below are the Unit 2 resources to help you brush up on wolf basics.
      When you think you're ready, take the Unit 2 Assignment: Wolf 101 Quiz.
    • Topic 3

      Unit 3 - Defining Wolf Research

      So what are the techniques that researchers use to study wolves?

      Let's break down the definition of wolf research and investigate the various methods and techniques used as well as some challenges that other researchers have experienced conducting wolf research.

      For this course, wolf research will be defined as “The study of wolves to gain new information about their biology, behavior, ecology, and relationship with humans.

      Your assignment is to review the resources below and complete the Unit 3 Assignment.

    • Topic 4

      Unit 4 - Research Methods

      The main goal of wolf research is to gain new knowledge about wolves and/or the ways that they interact, directly or indirectly, with their environment.

      Gathering data is an important part of research. However, there is a structure to how one gathers that data. Use the resources below to learn about the Scientific Method and why it is important for maintaining an organized research project.

      To complete the Unit 4 assignment, review the information provided below.

    • Topic 5

      Unit 5 - Develop A Proposal

      Now that you have investigated the concepts behind wolf research and thought about what information you may like to learn about wolves, you are ready to develop your own wolf research project!

      Developing your wolf research project

      Step One: Choose a topic of study

        Step Two: Establish the method of research you plan to utilize

        Step Three: Describe the research techniques you plan to use to conduct your research.

        Step Four: Format your project into a presentation using a Web 2.0 medium and post to the Wolf Research Concepts Forum.

        For complete instructions and guidelines, review "Wolf Research Project Requirements & Instructions" below.

      • Topic 6

        Unit 6 - Reflection

        Congratulations on completing this course! You are almost finished. Your final task is to revisit your values system as it relates to wolves and assess your learning experience. Please complete the assignments below to finalize your coursework.

      • Topic 7

        Teacher Notes


        This course was developed as part of a grant project through Intermediate District 287. It is designed to be appropriate for students grades 9-12 and addresses a variety of science and technology education standards.

        This course is also designed to allow revision by the educator working with the students in order to appropriately adjust the content.

        However, the International Wolf Center does ask that any technical changes to the curriculum be referenced accordingly. The Center strives to provide accurate, science-based wolf information and encourages you to contact the course developer, , with any questions you may have about the curriculum - technical or otherwise.


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