READ: Standard 3 and Objectives

Standard 3 and Objectives

STANDARD 3: Students will understand that gravity, density, and convection move Earth's plates and this movement causes the plates to impact other Earth systems.

OBJECTIVE 1: Explain the evidence that supports the theory of plate tectonics.

OBJECTIVE 2: Describe the processes within Earth that result in plate motion and relate it to changes in other Earth systems.

STANDARD 3 SUMMARY: The theory of plate tectonics explains the features of Earth's surface, earthquakes and volcanoes. Plates move very slowly, pressing against one another, sliding past one another, and pulling apart. The internal energy of the Earth drives the movement of the plates. The slow movement of materials within Earth results from heat flowing out from the deep interior and the action of gravity on regions of different density. Evidence for plate tectonics includes the spreading of the seafloor, the fossil record, and patterns and distribution of Earthquakes and volcanoes. Processes in Earth affect the atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. Processes occurring in these spheres affect the geosphere.
Last modified: Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 10:35 PM