READ: Standard 1 and Objectives

Standard 1 and Objectives

STANDARD 1: Students will understand the scientific evidence that supports theories that explain how the universe and solar system developed.

OBJECTIVE 1: Describe the big bang theory and evidence supporting it.

OBJECTIVE 2: Relate the structure and composition of the solar system to the processes that exist in the universe.


Science provides evidence that the universe is more than 10 billion years old. The most accepted science theory states that the universe expanded explosively from a hot, dense chaotic mass. Gravity causes clouds of the lightest elements to condense into massive bodies. The mass and density of these bodies may become great enough for nuclear fusion to occur, creating stars. Nuclear fusion releases energy and fuses light elements into heavier elements. Some stars explode, producing clouds of heavy elements from which other stars, planets, and celestial bodies may form.
Last modified: Monday, 3 May 2010, 8:15 PM