In this lab you will investigating motion in two dimensions using the "Ramp and Skater" simulation.

Your goal is to find a relationship between the angle of a skateboard ramp and the acceleration of a friction free object (skateboarder) on the ramp.

level 1 (25-30)
level 2 (30-35)
level 3 (35-40)
level 4 (40-50)
Thinking: How carefully did you plan and conduct your investigation?
There gathering of evidence is minimal
You have measured independent and dependent variables but the evidence of a pattern is not strong. There could be more data or better collected data.
You have correctly identified and measured the independent and dependent variables. Evidence of careful planning is evident in the results.
You have correctly identified and measured dependent and independent variables and you conducted your investigation carefully. There is evidence you have researched the problem to help you conduct your investigation.
A clear conclusion is not evident
The experimental evidence only minimally supports your conclusion.
There is good experimental evidence to support the conclusion you have drawn about your relationship. There is good experimental evidence to support the conclusion you have drawn about your relationship. You have conducted additional research to support your conclusion and applied theory to help you draw conclusions

Available from: Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 5:05 AM
Due date: Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 5:05 AM
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