Measurement Practice Lab

You need to find a way to measure each of the following.

  • Thickness of a single piece of paper.
  • Mass of a paper whole punch.
  • Volume of a drop of water.
  • Time it takes to blink an eye.

You will need to be think about how you will accomplish this, for example, you cannot simply put one paper punch on a scale and expect it to read anything.

You need to turn in a document that includes a procedure for each measurement, along with all raw data and calculated values. All of your final answers must be in the international system of units. Make sure that use significant digits and proper measurement techniques.

If you do not have access to the proper equipment to perform this lab (e.g. a scale) you still need to write up a procedure and then you can just make up what seems like a reasonable number for your raw data and perform the calculations from there.

The whole point of this exercise is to make you think!

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