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An overview of the new features in Moodle 2
Training Content
These are the main user changes to Moodle 2 but in the next section we will take a look at the new options when adding content in Moodle 2.
Developments and Reflection
Applying what’s new:
Training Content
Some of the ways to do things are different in Moodle 1 to Moodle 2. There are also some additional features in some activities.
The links below outline some of these changes including some instructions for you to try out.
Developments and Reflection
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
Training Content
Developments and Reflection
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
Training Content
Put a tick into the box next to this resource when have viewed the website and you are ready to move onto the next activity.
Developments and Reflection
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
Training Content
Developments and Reflection
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
Training Content
Developments and Reflection
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
Link to your personal reflections (optional)
An online course providing support and training for new features within Moodle 2 and how they can be used in teaching.
The course is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of features and to enable the sharing of ideas with other teachers on how these features can be applied to teaching and learning. It uses the features of Moodle 2 that you will be learning about to get the experience as a learner and gain the knowledge required by the teacher.
Developed as part of the LSIS Collaboration in Technology project.
Creator: Rebecca Barrington - Downloaded via