Topic outline

  • General


    •  Welcome to Intro to Stats - Please read before starting the course! Page
    •  Why should I take a Statistics course? Page
    •  News forum - Check back on each visit to see any announcements.
    •  Download a copy of this course. File 177.5KB Moodle backup
  • Topic 1

    Available Resources
    The following are resources that you may find helpful as you travel through this course.  A description is given for each.
    •  Online Calculator Page
    •  Screen Capture Page
    •  Interactive - Able to create graphical displays on this webpage
    •  Table of Random Digits Page
  • Topic 2

    What is statistics?

    •  The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling. Here is Wikipedia's definition - Please read from beginning through the overview URL
    •  Assignment - Description of Statistics Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 3

    Collecting data
    •  Watch the following prezi to see some information on the different types of samples that people use to collect data. You will have the ability to take notes on the different types of samples as you go through it at your own pace. Page
    •  Quiz collecting data
  • Topic 4

    How do you collect a simple random sample?
    •  Simple random samples (SRS) are the best way to collect data. They allow everyone in the population you are trying to collect information about the same chance of being chosen to give their feedback. Page
    •  Collecting a simple random sample - Listed as a step by step process - Return here if you have questions about the process along the way. Page
    •  Assignment 1 on Collecting Data Assignment (2.2)
    •  Assignment 2 on Choosing a SRS Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 5

    Graphical displays of data


    Histograms are a common way to display data.  They are similar to bar graphs, which are generally used with categorical data.  A histogram is generally used to display quantative data.  The bars are connected and each one shows how many values fall in each range.

    •  Please watch the following video on how to construct histograms and describe the data displayed. Page
    •  Steps to construct Histograms - Return here if you have questions on the process. Page
    •  Describing a Histogram - What we must describe and other details that may help us describe our histogram Page
    •  Assignment Construct and describe a histogram Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 6


    Stemplots are another useful way to display quantative data and many times are used to build a histogram.  If you take your stemplot and rotate 90 degrees and draw rectangles around your data, you will have a histogram. 

    •  Please watch the following video on constructing stemplots Page
    •  Steps to construct a stemplot Page
    •  Assignment Construct a stemplot Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 7

    Numerical Descriptions of data

    Mean and Median

    Mean is also known as average, which you are probably more familiar with.  Median is your middle value, similar to the median of a highway being in the middle of the roads.

    •  Please watch the following video on measures of central tendency Page
    •  Steps to calculate the mean for a set of data Page
    •  Steps to find the median of a set of data Page
    •  Assignment finding mean and median Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 8

    Standard deviation

    Standard deviation shows the variation or spread of a set of data.  For a single set of data it may not show us a whole lot.  It is very useful though in comparing sets of data.  Such as a comparison of test scores of males versus females.  We can tell which group has scores that are more spread out and then explore why one groups scores varied more than the others.

    •  Please watch the following video on calculating the standard deviation for a set of data Page
    •  Steps to find the standard deviation for a set of data Page
    •  Assignment Finding standard deviation Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 9



    Boxplots break your data into quarters.  The box shows where the middle 50% of your data lies.  It also shows if we have outliers (extreme values) in our data.  Boxplots are very useful where comparing sets of data.

    •  Please watch the following video on constructing boxplots Page
    •  Steps to construct a boxplot or box and whisker plot Page
  • Topic 10


    In this section we will look at how to determine if any of our observations are outliers.  Outliers can affect many of our measures, but primarily our mean.  If there is an outlier, our mean gets pulled towards it.  For example, if a basketball player averages 8 points per game and scores 30 points in a game, his new average will rise considerably due to the outlying value.

    •  Please watch the following video on determining if your data set has any outliers Page
    •  Rules for determining outlying values Page
    •  Assignment Construct a boxplot Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 11

    Misleading statistics

    Statistics can be displayed in a manner to show what we want.  All we need to do is adjust our scales or axis.  Many times the media will do this to make the data appear in a way that they would like so that they can try to convince us about a certain situation they are trying to convey.

    •  Watch the video on misleading statistics. It discusses ways that you are able to manipulate your statistics to show what you want. Disregard the assignment given at the end of the video. Page
    •  Assignment - Misleading statistics Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 12

    Alignment document
    •  MN State Academic Standards Page
    •  NETS-S Standards (ISTE) Page
    •  creative commons attribution Page
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