This four week course is for teachers who want to create a Moodle site to supplement their face to face classroom instruction. Read the overview below.
Download a copy of this course. File262.6KB Moodle backup
Overview Page
Example assignment Assignment (2.2)
Topic 1
WeekOne: Design Participants will learn how to:
Design Moodle environment
Add graphics
Add documents
Task: Signing up for your own Moodle Course Page
Activity: View these Atomic Learning Videos Page
Assignment: Design Top Sections Assignment (2.2)
Forum: Intros
Topic 2
Week Two: Forums Participants will learn how to:
Create and use forums
Layout and organize course content
Add web links
Activity: Invite two teachers Page
Activity: Visit other teacher's Moodle courses Page
Week 3: Assignments and Files
Participants will learn how to:
Use online and offline assignments
Use the gradebook
Setup course files
There are two basic types of assignments--online and offline.
Here is a flow chart of how assignments work in Moodle.
flowchart Page
Directories: Directories can display files. It's a good idea to setup a file structure for a course early on, even if you don't display directories. Otherwise your course documents might start looking like your desktop
Directory of Course Files for Blended Moodle Folder
Activity: Watch Atomic Learning Tutorials Page
Task: Create Assignments in Your Moodle Page
Task: Create File Structure for Course Page
Assignment: How will you use Moodle in your classroom? Assignment (2.2)