Behavioral Research Techniques

This unit will focus on behavioral research techniques and the use of the Interactive Ethogram codes as a supplemental component to this course. Students can start by reviewing a podcast on Ethogram terms at this link.
Students that choose to visit the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota can participate in data collection efforts with HP laptops which were part of an educational grant in 2007. Data collection generally results in a large volume of observations and the HP laptops in combination with an access data entry form makes analysis much easier.

Before beginning a data collection process, it's always good to identify questions that might help guide your observation periods. Here are a list of questions commonly used when documenting behavior. If you have Microsoft Access software and you are familiar with its' use, please download this file Access Database IWC Wolf Behavior, (this is a zip file for easier download) if you do not have Access, please download this copy of the Wolf Behavioral spreadsheet to use as an online excel spreadsheet or print a copy for hand writing during the data recording session. Here is a Powerpoint training on the Ethogram .

Last modified: Friday, 8 July 2011, 1:19 PM
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