7.4 IMPORTANT--Othello Themed Glog


You are going to create a glog about one of the themes from Othello: jealousy, marriage, manipulation, race, gender, or identity.

STEP 1: Choose a theme.

STEP 2: Find several examples from the text that support your theme. Your examples should be citations from the play and actions of specific characters. Be sure to cite your quotations from the play!

STEP 3: Find creative commons images to use in your glog. Go to Flickr.com and search under creative commons. Or, develop your own images.

STEP 4: Search out images from text that support your theme.

STEP 5: Search out at least FOUR WORDS OR PHRASES that vividly depict your theme

STEP 6: Put it all together in a glog at Glogster.com. Here are two presentations on how to make a Glog.

How to make a glog video 1

from OHSU Teacher on Vimeo.

How to make a glog video 2

from OHSU Teacher on Vimeo.

STEP 7: Go to http://edu.glogster.com/login/ and enter in the username provided. If you cannot find your username please search here. Your password should be: student.

STEP 8: When you are finished please submit your assignment by clicking EDIT MY SUBMISSION and pasting the link to your Glogster.

LINK to the entire text of Othello

Grading Rubric:

  • Glog has a title (1 point)
  • Glog is centered around a theme in Othello: jealousy, gender, manipulation, identity, or marriage (2 points)
  • Glog has at least two quotes from the text that support theme.(2 points)
  • Quotes are cited properly
  • Glog has at least two pictures that portray the theme. (2 points)
  • Pictures are creative commons licensed OR belong to you
  • Glog has at least one written or depicted piece of imagery from the text that supports your theme (2 points)
  • Glog has at least four words or phrases that depict your theme (2 points)
  • Glog is unique and interesting to look at (4 points)
  • Glog depicts theme--verbally and pictorially (3 points)
  • Glog is informative (2 points)

This assignment is worth 20 points

Last modified: Saturday, 12 June 2010, 7:55 PM
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