About this class

SandwormThis course has been a labor of love for me as Frank Herbert's writing has had a great impact on me personally and the students with whom I've shared it. I tried to get the Herbert Limited Partnership to host this content, but to say they are disorganized is an understatement. I was denied permission to make PDF sections of the book after first being told I could. I still believe that depending on how it is accomplished that it falls under Fair Use, though at this point, using EPUB files for various excerpts may be preferable. For educational purposes I think there is value in students being able to search a digital version to work on projects. There are multiple copies available online with a quick search. The audio version is also available through local libraries.

Many students who have completed this course go on to read the rest of the Dune Chronicles. After hearing their displeasure after they read the Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert additions to Dune I have advised them not to bother with any Dune books not written by Frank Herbert. Much of the content of the new books runs contrary to messages and themes that Frank Herbert wrote about. To discuss Dune further check out http://jacurutu.com

Creative Commons License
Frank Herbert's Dune course by Jon Fila is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Users are free to use, edit and share this course as long as this block stays in the course. If you download or like this course I'd like to hear about it, though you are not required to tell me.

Thanks to Dune Scholars Ionah, DuneFishUK (images) and Greg Tidwell (articles) for their contribution.

Last modified: Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 1:03 PM
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