Common Courtesy with Cell Phones and Texting

Common Courtesy with Cell Phones and Texting

  1. Don't let it ring:  It's common nowadays for stores and public places to have signs asking people to not use their cell phone. So if you're waiting for an important call, put your ring tone on vibrate and put your phone where you can get it quickly.
  2. Think about your ringtone:  What does your ringtone say about you? Don't choose one that might be cute today, but regrettable tomorrow.
  3. Don't shout:  Why is it most people speak so loudly into a cell phone? Ask a friend's opinion next time whether or not you were too loud. It's annoying for anyone to have to hear the one side of someone else's conversation - don't be that someone. Step away from others when on your cell.
  4. Be smart when driving:  Talking on a cell phone while driving can be dangerous - and texting while driving is illegal in Michigan. Tell the driver to put their cell on speakerphone and keep both hands on the wheel. Or maybe just pull over.
  5. Be polite when with others:  That call or text message may be important to you, but don't let it take you away from the person you're with. Don't talk or text in front of someone who expects your full attention, whether it's a grocery store clerk or a friend. Also, don't text during a movie or any kind of live performance -- the light from your cell phone can be a distraction to others.
  6. Easy on the texts:  There is no exact number of texts you could send in one day before you become annoying, but a good rule of thumb is to consider how many times you could call that same person in a day. For important discussions, save those for face-to-face conversation instead of texting them, such as relationship discussions or disagreements.

Davis, Alisa. " Cell Phone Etiquette Guidelines 2006." Cell Phones for Free with Cell Phone Plans from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless. Let' Inc., 2009. Web. 06 June 2010.

Null, Christopher. "Text Messaging Etiquette: To Text or Not to Text - PCWorld." Reviews and News on Tech Products, Software and Downloads. PCWorld, 28 July 2009. Web. 15 June 2010. .

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 9:27 AM
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