Advanced Composition for the Digital Age
(1 Semester)
Course Syllabus
Language Arts Instructor:
Mr. Jon can schedule office hours upon request which can be posted in the online course.
Course Description:
Students will work on the processes of preparing, evaluating, and delivering multiple forms of written communication. Students will work both individually and in groups for class assignments. Students will complete coursework in an online community and will have scheduled face-to-face meetings with peers and instructor.
Students will meet to go through orientation of course management software. All assignment information and submissions will be addressed through this system. Group work will be completed via discussion boards, chat rooms and email.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
- A Macintosh computer running OS 10 or higher, or a PC-compatible computer, running Windows XP or higher;
- Microphone and speakers (or headset) providing Audio In and Out capability;
- Internet connection (56K modem, cable modem, or DSL), 2 GB of installed RAM (more RAM is strongly recommended on both platforms);
We can not guarantee that your particular configuration of hardware and software will work in all instances.
- QuickTime v10.0 or higher -- required for displaying multimedia Web content. A free version of QT can be downloaded from Apple;
- Flash Player -- may be needed for some multimedia Web content. The latest version of the Player can be downloaded from Macromedia; Every effort is made to avoid Flash to make this course iPad accessible.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0 or higher -- useful for viewing some of the course documents. The Reader is a free download from Adobe; If you use an iPad, iPhone or Mac, this is not required for viewing.
- Web browser -- FireFox v16 or higher, Chrome v23 or higher, Internet Explorer v9 or higher; can also be used to access online course materials. It is possible that under some conditions, browsers other than FireFox or Chrome may not provide full functionality. Safari is not recommended. If you use an iPad you may want to consider downloading the Chrome app.
- Web Conferencing Software -- Typically we will be using the Link in the course if we need to connect for Virtual sessions. Other options may include: Google+, Skype, Mikogo, or Join.Me in order to share desktop in case assistance is needed. Note: using Mikogo or Join.Me will require a separate phone or Gmail/Google Voice connection.
Other software --
- A word-processing program compatible with instructor preferences (i.e. Google Docs);
- A presentation software compatible with instructor preferences (Google Docs, LibreOffice, Open Office or Prezi - These are all free tools.)
- Additional appropriate plug-ins for your browser may be required by individual assignments or content. Typically your browser will inform you when a plug-in is needed and prompt a download.
- Students will also require access to a personal email account. Gmail is a free service that comes with a Google Apps account that allows users to create and edit Microsoft Word Programs, as well as PowerPoint presentations and access additional course content. A Google Account may be required to view some course content.
Please review this page and the Known Issues to see if your computer will display all the course content.
Link to Academic and Technology Standards fulfilled by this course: Standards Alignment Doc
Grading Policy:
Steady continual progress is imperative for the successful completion of an online course. Regular attendance, discussion board participation, and email notifications are required. Students not in regular contact with instructor/classmates will be warned. Subsequent warnings will involve parent/counselor notification.
Grade Percentage Meaning A 100-94 Exceeds Expectations A- 93-90 B+ 89-87 B 86-84 Very Good B- 83-80 C+ 79-77 C 76-74 Average C- 73-70 D+ 69-67 Needs Improvement D 66-64 D- 63-60 F 59 and below Failing
10% of your grade will be from Discussion Forum participation. Failing to post in forums and provide detailed comments/feedback to classmates will result in a lowered grade. The value of an online course is greatly increased when there is a community of users responding to one another.
Writing submissions will be graded on a combination of the following:
Writing submissions will be graded on a combination of the following:
- 6 Traits of Writing (See Writing Support)
- Creativity
- Adherence to directions
Last modified: Friday, 30 November 2012, 1:12 PM