How to screen The Age of Stupid at any venue near you
Here's some info to help you put it on: - has lots of info (Terms and conditions when you order the film are long but worth reading)
You can have fun seeing what a poster would look like at
The price may change but it cost me 70 pounds of my own money to show it at a Primary School to parents, which I made back in tickets sales (2.50 pounds), giving the profits to the PTFA for Green projects.
At college it was different. I knew I wouldn't get my money back because I did not want to charge students or staff.
Each showing was greatly enhanced (and avoided people going away in despair) by having a friend called Dave Clasby talk afterwards so get a local Sustrans (or other person used to talking to that sort of group) to talk to them.
Sustrans is the UK's leading sustainable transport charity.
Alternatively get someone you know who can help you talk for just ten minutes about what they can do and use the "What Can It Do?" Note I wrote as a starting point.
I had a panel of local experts at the school but I think it worked better at the college with just Dave (Ruth Strange from a an ethical food collective shop joined in to talk about the shop and vegetarianism as climate change tactic. [Sound Bites) At college I got funding from Aim Higher to put on two screenings for which indiescreenings charged 110 pounds total.
I had a sheet for people to sign up to the Not Stupid campaign emails then typed them in here:
Please let me know how you get on using the Journal
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Last modified: Monday, 11 October 2010, 12:21 AM