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Choose the template below that best fits your source! Submit the required information.
World Wide Web Source
1. Author
2. Page Title
3. Site Title
4. Organization that created the site
5. Date accessed
6. full http address
Online Encyclopedia
1. Author
2. Title of Article
3. Title of Online Encyclopedia
4. Date Accessed
Periodical Article from an Online Database
1. Author
2. Title of Article
3. Periodical Title, date: page
4. Name of Database
5. Date Accessed
6. URL of Database homepage
Choose the template below that best fits your source! Submit the required information.
World Wide Web Source
1. Author
2. Page Title
3. Site Title
4. Organization that created the site
5. Date accessed
6. full http address
Online Encyclopedia
1. Author
2. Title of Article
3. Title of Online Encyclopedia
4. Date Accessed
Periodical Article from an Online Database
1. Author
2. Title of Article
3. Periodical Title, date: page
4. Name of Database
5. Date Accessed
6. URL of Database homepage