Copy the information you prepared in the Behavior Mechanisms Word Document. Title your entry as Lastname.Firstname.BehaveMech. Paste this information into the forum. Do not upload this word document.
Site pages
Places for Support & Information
Tutorial: Installing a course
Current course
Biology Summer Inquiry Project
Advanced Placement Biology
AP BIO, SIP: Summer Inquiry Project
Lesson One: The Scientist in YOU!
Draw a Scientist--YOU!
Your thoughts on Science Methods
Lesson Two: Animal Behavior
Behavior Mechanisms
Guppies RS
Lesson Three: Sifting through Research Summaries
Research Summary from Science Daily
Lesson Four: Time for PILL BUGS!
Pill Bug Word Document
Experimental Design
Final Experiment (One per Pill Bug Explore Team)
...ive: The Pill Bug Experiment, Abstract, and Poster
Sample Abstract for Students to Use
FINAL Abstract
POSTER Template
Final Poster Submission