Separate groups: All participants

There are a number of citation makers available on the web.  For this assignment, you'll use EasyBib to create a web site citation for you to copy and paste.

  1. Go to  and type in your favorite hobby or sport.
  2. Go to one of those web sites.
  3. Highlight and copy the address to that hobby or sport web site.
  4. Open EasyBib.
  5. Paste the web site address in the box that says "enter website address" and click on Cite this.
  6. Fill in any information in the empty red boxes that AutoCite didn't find, such as author, publisher of that web page, or date the web page was created. For any information that doesn't exist for that web page, just leave that box blank. Click Create Citation at the bottom. 
  7. In the box labeled Citation added: copy the citation it makes for you
  8. Back in this Moodle page, click Edit My Submission below and paste it in.