Have a look at this applet which deals with the generation of one component of electromagnetic radiation by an electron oscillating in a conductor. What would the second component look like?

The second component is missing however.

Have a look at this tutorial for a quick introduction to the composition of light as electromagnetic radiation.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
How well can you apply your knowledge of electric and magnetic fields to the production of electromagnetic radiation?

Can you relate the fields that are generated to the properties of a wave?

You can explain some of the phenomenon, but there are key element missing to your explanation.
You can identify the missing field and explain how it is generated. You can explain how it is organized in space relative to the electric field. You can identify the missing field and explain how it is generated. You can explain how it is organized in space relative to the electric field.

You can explain how the fields have wave like properties (amplitude, frequency)

You can identify the missing field and explain how it is generated. You can explain how it is organized in space relative to the electric field. You can relate your understanding to the model of electromagnetic radiation.

You can explain how the fields have wave like properties (amplitude, frequency)

Available from: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 5:35 AM
Due date: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 5:35 AM
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