Ruminant Digestion

Lab Questions

Welcome to the second online lab assignment of the Animal Nutrition Unit.

Each link (the title of the video) has a set of questions beneath it. Using the link, answer the questions that follow. Note that links open up a new browser window.

Please include the questions and answers when you submit your assignment in the dropbox. Use appropriate headings in your assignment. Submit the work as one file attachment. This means you complete all work in one word processing document (e.g., Microsoft Word) and attach the file using the dropbox tool. Submit your work in

  1. How many stomachs do cattle have?
  1. What is rumination?
  1. What happens to rumen microbes after they have digested the feed?

  1. What are some of the species classified as ruminants?
  1. How is ruminant lysozyme different from lysozyme found in other species?

  1. What happens to the digestive tracts of ruminants when they are sick?
  1. How does Portia help sick ruminants?
  1. Why is it important to take samples from the bottom of the rumen for transfaunation?