Welcome to the first online lab assignment of the Animal Nutrition Unit.

Below the video link is a set of questions. Using the link, answer the questions that follow. Note that links open up a new browser window.

Please include the questions and answers when you submit your assignment in the dropbox. Use appropriate headings in your assignment. Submit the work as one file attachment. This means you complete all work in one word processing document (e.g., Microsoft Word) and attach the file using the dropbox tool.

Answer the questions below and submit them to the Alternative Feedstuffs Question Drop Box.

1. What are some reasons beef prices have increased?

2. What is one way farmers are using to decrease feed prices?

3. What percentage of the cattle raised in the United States are grass-fed?

4. If cattle are natural consumers of grass, why don't more farmers raise grass-fed cattle?

5. What are some advantages to grass-fed bee?

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