First you will learn how to do a Prezi.  Then you will look at websites about the Dakota.  Finally, you will make a Prezi presentation about important Dakota cultural items, symbols,  places, and events. 

Step 1: View the videos on how to make a Prezi (click on this link to begin.

Step 2: Look at the websites on the Dakota.

Step 3: Go to  You can play the "Getting Starting with Prezi" video if you want. 

Otherwise, click on the 

save a copy button

button.  This will make you your own Prezi that you can edit yourself.  

Step 3: Choose eight of the labels in the bubbles from the top part of the Prezi. 

Step 4: Find pictures in Google images that illustrate the eight different labels. In Google Images do an advance search and click on the "not filtered by license" and change it to "filtered for reuse." When you find a picture, right click on it and choose "save as" and name it something easy to remember. 

Step 5: Go back to your version of the Prezi.  Click on the bubble you want to use.  Then click on

 edit prezi button

and then

insert button

load file button

Browse to find the picture that you just named and saved.  Double click on it and it will upload the picture onto your Prezi. Move it to the bubble with the label that matches that picture. 

Step 6: Repeat with all the other pictures and labels. 

Step 7: Save your work.

Step 8: Highlight, right click, and copy the URL (it looks something like that you see at the top of your Prezi. Send the URL to me in Edmodo. The link to that site is

Click on back button or main page button to go back to the main page.

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