Limerick Challenge

Limerick Assignment Guidelines:
1. The form or pattern* of limerick writing must be followed.
2. The limerick must be original and not copied from somewhere
3. The limerick must be G or PG-13 rated. Anything else gets you into trouble.
4. The limerick topic should be based on an animal or solar systemfact of your choice.
5. An illustration about the topic must accompany the limerick.
6. A 3 to 5 sentence explanation of how the limerick and the illustration are related to your topic must be included.
7. Include source references (books, internet sites, magazines, videos).

*The Limerick Pattern
1. A limerick has FIVE Lines.
2. The last words of the first, second and fifth
lines rhyme with each other.
3. The first, second and fifth lines are longer
than the third and fourth lines.
4. The last words of the third and fourth lines
rhyme with each other.
5. The pattern of sounds follows the pattern: Da
DUM da da DUM da da DUM

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