Solubility Paper

For this paper you need to choose a substance, either helpful or harmful that is or can be present in our water. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Fluoride
  • Chlorine
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Iron
In your paper you must find out:

  • The solubility of the substance in water.
  • Acceptable concentrations of the substance
  • How the substance gets into water
  • How the concentration of the substance is controlled or mitigated.
  • The effect of the substance on the human body.
All information must be cited by whatever format you are comfortable with.

You will be graded 5pts for each bullet point, 5pts for the quality of the paper (grammar, spelling, formatting) and 5pts for works cited.

Total = 35 points

The paper should be around 2 pages.
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