Topic outline

  • General

    flagsThe Civil Warflags

    The Civil War is an important part of our history. As a part of your future classes in Junior High and High School, you will be looking at many of the different aspects of this tumultuous time. Use this course to get you a taste of what life was like for many involved in this conflict.

    •  Download a copy of this course. File 92.9KB Moodle backup
  • Topic 1

    The Civil War

    Perhaps you are someone who has never heard of The Civil War. Perhaps you have heard bits and pieces about the North fighting the South. Here is your chance to find out more.

    Visit at least 3 of the sites below. After looking through them, write a journal entry about what you learned. Make sure you include the following topics: causes of the war, beliefs of both sides, life for civilians and soldiers.

    •  The Civil War for Kids URL
    •  Social Studies for Kids URL
    •  Think Quest URL
    •  Gettysburg National Park URL
    •  What have you learned? Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 2

    Important People

    Click through the Prezi Presentation below to see how Minnesota was involved in The Civil War.

    Many different people contributed for both sides during the war. Investigate these people.

    When you are done, choose one person and create a Prezi presentation highlighting their contribution to The Civil War.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Jefferson Davis
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Robert E. Lee
    Harriet Tubman
    Fredrick Douglas
    Stonewall Jackson John Wilkes Booth

    •  Prezi Tutorial Video URL
    •  Important People Forum
  • Topic 3

    Where did The Civil War take place?

    Many battles were fought in many states.

    Visit the website that lists the battles by state. Pick three states and explore the battles that occurred there. Then create a graph showing the number of causalities for the North and the South.


    •  Graph Example File
    •  Civil War Battles by State URL
    •  Create a Graph URL
    •  Comparing Battles Assignment (2.2)
  • Topic 5


    You have looked at a few different aspects of The Civil War. Thinking back to everything you have read and experienced, post 5 final thoughts in the forum.

    •  Final Thoughts Forum
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