Topic outline
Welcome to the world of learning about populations! When most people think of population, they often think only of humans. This online unit will explore all populations, what factors contribute to changes in populations, human population, and the interdependence of nature. Get ready for the excitement instore for you!!
Topic 1
Describing populations-
Populations are studied by ecologists. When studying populations they observe characteristics that include geographic range, density and distribution, growth rate, and age structure.
Topic 2
Population Growth-
Population size changes based on how many individual organisms are added or removed.
Copyright © 2003 Regents of the University of California
Topic 3
Exponential growth vs. Logistic growth
How is exponential growth different from logistic growth and does it really matter?
Topic 4
Limiting factors: Density Dependent vs. Density Independent
Limiting factors are any factors, either physical or biological, that can limit the growth of a population.
Topic 5
Human Population Growth: Historical Overview
Human population grew slowly for long time. What changes brought about the massive explosion of growth?
A Graphic Simulation of the History of Human Population Growth © 2000
Topic 6
Patterns of Human Population Growth
Demography is the scientific study of human populations. Learn more about how that is done!
Topic 7
Unit Completion
Time for you to show what you know!!!!!!
Topic 8
Teacher Notes
Notes to the Teacher:
- This is a high school biology unit that was developed for at-risk alternative students. These students need more guided reading and specific assignments. All grading is satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Feel free to adjust the level of assessments.
- I purposely did not provide answer keys to the non-quiz assignments. I think teachers should go through an assignment first, before they give it to the students. If you work off answer keys, feel free to e-mail me at and I will provide one to you.