Digital Rights and Responsibilities Defined
Digital Rights and Responsibilities Defined
Digital Rights and Responsibilities: The privileges all digital technology users have and the expected behaviors that go along with those privileges.
Digital citizens have "digital rights" just as U.S. citizens have Consititutional rights, such as the constitutional right to privacy and to free speech. These rights, however, come with responsibilities and expectations that you will behave and use technology appropriately. Topics included under Digital Rights and Responsibilities include:
- Citing sources and plagiarizing.
- Using digital devices for the wrong reasons, such as cheating in school or harrassing others.
- Abiding by the school's agreement of acceptable use when using school technology.
- Reporting violations of your personal rights or violations of other's.
When your rights are violated, there's not only legal consequences, but emotional ones too. Consider what the consequences are as you read and view the following links in this section.
Ribble, Mike. "Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship." Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately. 2010. Web. 23 June 2010. >.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 9:27 AM